Step 8: Accreditation Ceremony
Safe Communities America, Inc. is the
non-profit, coordinating and accrediting
organization for Safe Communities in
the United States.


Once the Safe Communities America board has approved a community for accreditation, a formal accreditation ceremony will be held.  At this ceremony, a representative of SCA will present representatives of the community Safe Communities coalition with their accreditation certificate and plaque.  Details of the ceremony must be coordinated between the community and SCA.  The ceremony should be planned for a period from 4 to 12 weeks following the site visit, though extensions of this period can be arranged when necessary. 

The accreditation ceremony is a time for the new Safe Community to shine!  Coalitions preparing to host an accreditation ceremony are encouraged to invite local leaders, the media, members of the local Safe Community coalition, and representatives of partner organizations to be a part of the ceremony.  We suggest planning and publicizing the ceremony in a way that will maximize community participation and help you to inform your community about the benefits of living in a Safe Community. 

The community being accredited is responsible for supporting the cost of travel for one Safe Communities America representative to attend the ceremony.  The SCA representative will formally present the accreditation documentation during the ceremony.